Days Inn


By speaking to a generic audience, Days Inn is speaking to no one.


Target the people most eager to travel coming out of the pandemic: Young Music Goers, and help them see more than just Airbnb.


Days Inn is everywhere music is, so they can be the place music goers are looking for: a budget option where you can bring back the energy from the show.

See You On Tour Hype Video:


We’ll show up near all your favorite venues.


To back our words with action, the night before large urban music festivals
Days Inn will host concert pre-parties in their parking lot.


We’ll announce the activation on social, where people hear about festivals.

And we’ll make sure the dates are loud and clear on Days Inn’s bookings page.


Yes, of course we’ll have merch. I’m glad you asked.


Why It Works

Days Inn is near every urban music festival.
And festival season only lasts through the summer.

Days Inn doesn’t have to permanently change their brand to come out of the pandemic stronger than ever before.


Made with:

AD: Shrinidhi Vijay (It’s hard to tell from the outside, but she’s punk rock af.)
AD: Zey Masunu (If you have trouble finding her, she’s probably on lot somewhere.)
ST: Stephon Jacob (like any good strategist, he went into the field and bravely conducted research on tour.)